Monday, August 3, 2009

Forty Cafe in Taichung

[記食] 台中勤美誠品綠園道旁 Forty Cafe

台中 forty cafe

Forty Cafe 是噗浪網友的報馬好店推薦。當初臨時打算去台中,打算一早搭高鐵下去,早上拍春安彩色眷村,下午想去勤美誠品看看,於是就打聽了一下那附近有沒有什麼值得一訪的午餐店家,結果有兩個網友都說 Forty Cafe 好。(More ...)

Saffron [Link]

1 comment:

So木白 said...

So San Says:
八月 4th, 2009 at 06:49
I love it. I enjoy your blog very much. I was born in Taichung.
Old dog is learning new tricks – by copy-and-paste.
Please let me know if you want (me) to remover it!

迴紋針 Says:
八月 4th, 2009 at 08:28
@so san, I guess it’s ok, for you give a clear source link and you don’t copy the full text.