Monday, June 15, 2009

曾導阿洲的異想世界 - 布拉格廣場的聖尼古拉教堂

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Sunday, June 14, 2009

APA speaks with Tze Chun about the inspiration for the film, selecting his child stars, and experimenting with new strategies for sales and distribution.

LA Asian Pacific Film Festival: interview with Children of Invention director Tze Chun
Asia Pacific Arts
CliffsNotes for Dim Sum Funeral
By Ada Tseng and Brian Hu
Asia Pacific Arts watches Dim Sum Funeral, so you don't have to.
Dim Sum Funeraldirected by Anna Chi, written by Donald Martin
Dim Sum Funeral describes the life of four very Americanized children who fled their Chinese "Dragon Lady" mother in the 2000s. The film focuses on the deceased mother's place in the broken family, in which the children recount stories of the past and lament the barriers that exist between the siblings.
-- 《小團圓》後記
The Components of the Green Dam System (06/14/2009) How might you design such a system? The first line of defense would be based upon a list of banned URL's. The second line of defense would be based upon filtering by (1) text; (2) photos and (3) videos. Funny things happened along the way for the Green Dam system.
First, about the list of banned URL's in the first line of defense. The project called Green Dam Youth Escort is designed to protect minors from harmful information. What kinds of information are harmful? In the western world, it would be sex and violence. In China, politics may be added. So how do you get a list of harmful URL's? The Chinese know all about the list of harmful political URL's, but they don't know about much about the list of harmful sex-violence URL's. By definition, the sex-violence URL's must be registered/located outside of mainland China because they are banned in China. Where would Green Dam get such a list? Apparently, one solution is to steal it from someone who has such a list.
(PC Magazine) China's Filtering Software Contains Pirated Code


我離開中時一年多了,這一年,中時為什麼忽地間變得殺氣那麼重,箇中詳情我確實不了解,但我自己的推測是「中時固有的超強自我意識」加上新經營者的「 不愔行規」形成的結果;換言之,我到現在還不能相信是因中時已在往「為匪張目」的傳聲筒之路前進了。

關於中時── 敬答網友(時事雜感 45 )
-- 彭蕙仙--
近日來,中時事件沸沸揚揚,有論者指出是媒體結構問題,也有涉及政治背景等觀點。 平心而論,何止中時該檢討?其他媒體難道沒有跨產業的經營狀態?認真檢討起來,台灣的媒體最大問題在於:芝麻綠豆大的事兒也能說得…
天份 許多寫字和教寫字的人都強調天份很重要。 我倒是常常說,寫字不需要天份,寫書法哪裡需要天份?古人就是記帳也是毛筆的,記帳需要天份嗎?很多漢朝的「簡」,基本上就是帳本,記載米一斤多少錢、酒一升何價…
  • 司馬觀點:民主倒退(江春男)


  • 馬英九獨裁(孫慶餘)


Jim Cramer's Best Blogs

Jim Cramer

06/13/09 - 10:01 AM EDT

Jim Cramer fills his blog on RealMoney every day with his up-to-the-minute reactions to what's happening in the market and his legendary ahead-of-the-crowd ideas.

This Week's 'Barron's' Roundup

06/14/09 - 10:20 AM EDT

Peter Schiff on Jon Stewart
Missed this earlier in the week, but here is Peter Schiff on Jon Stewart. A weak effort from Stewart, to be honest, too gushing and uncritical, but worth a look. -- By Paul Kedrosky · Sunday, June 14, 2009

The gift of Bailing

Yes you might read this " The gift of Bailing" at:

the 30 Most Influential Asian Americans Under 30



Saturday, June 13, 2009

Mad Money Post Game: Buy PPG