Tuesday, October 6, 2009

EMC - ON Magazine - Cloudy, but Clear Sailing Ahead

What sets the cloud apart

The experiences of early adopters of cloud computing such as BIDMC, the NBC, and Hill AFB highlight the important differences between where IT has been and where it is going:

  • A cloud is built differently from traditional IT environments—it uses flexible pools of resources, rather than fixed allocations.
  • A cloud is operated differently from traditional IT environments—users are put in charge of IT resources using low- or zero-touch operational models.
  • A cloud is consumed differently—usually, there's a chargeback model that's convenient for the end users, such as metered billing.

These early adopters also prove that the compelling benefits of cloud computing guarantee that it will become the dominant model of IT deployment in the future.

From ON Magazine

By Beth Schultz

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