Friday, July 31, 2009
Big Expectations for Cisco
NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Senior tech reporter Scott Moritz breaks down earnings from Motorola and Alcatel-Lucent and previews Cisco's big day next week.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
angry asian man: vague asian spirituality in the palm of your hand
"He would haphazardly make trades," said Harrison, who has written an autobiography that includes an insider's account of Cramer's antics.
"We'd go from hugging each other to screaming at each other," Harrison recalls of his days with Cramer, which make up five of the book's 18 chapters.
"It was so intense every day," he said.
In his recently completed book, "Memoirs of a Minyan," of which he is releasing chapters through his Web site, Harrison writes about a memorable Cramer meltdown after one tech-sector buy, on Brocade Communications, resulted in the hedge fund losing a modest amount of money.
Celebrating Life through Death: an interview with director Yojiro Takita

By APA Staff
Departures was a passion project for both director Yojiro Takita and actor Masahiro Motoki. APA speaks with Takita about the struggles and inspirations behind his Oscar-winning film.
LA Asian Pacific Film Festival: interview with Children of Invention director Tze Chun
By APA Staff
APA speaks with Tze Chun, whose film Children of Invention took home the Grand Jury Prize for Best Narrative Feature at the Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival this year. (More)
BARRON'S VIDEO: The Communications Revolution
The Communications Revolution 7/25/2009
Plantronics' stock has climbed this year as the company has moved to put some problems behind it. Now it could surge another 50%, as demand for unified communications, or UC for short, proliferates.
China Watch Mail Bag: Is RINO the Best H20 Play?
World's Second 'Google' Phone: myTouch 3G
Weekend Reading: Relief Rally
What is Xen?
The Xen® hypervisor, the powerful open source industry standard for virtualization, offers a powerful, efficient, and secure feature set for virtualization of x86, x86_64, IA64, PowerPC, and other CPU architectures. It supports a wide range of guest operating systems including Windows®, Linux®, Solaris®, and various versions of the BSD operating systems. (more) releases Xen 3.4 - The Yankee Groups Third Annual Virtualization Survey reports a significant increase of commercial Xen-based solutions which represent 17 percent of total market share.
"I think Xen is a great product. It is easy to use. But most importantly is the very active community around it...", Werner Vogels,CTO from his video interview on
Xen - VMware upgrade reaches for the clouds
VMware upgrade reaches for the clouds
June 15, 2009 (Network World) VMware's vSphere 4.0 is a massive update to VMware's flagship hypervisor and management toolset that will put significant pressure on Microsoft and the Xen development community.
Slideshow of 5 things we love and hate about VMware's vSphere 4.0
We found vSphere faster than its predecessor, VMWare's ESX 3.51, easier to manage, and good for provisioning fleets (dare we say 'clouds'?) of virtual machine farms.
As part of its updated licensing scheme, the company offers vSphere in four gradations called Standard, Advanced, Enterprise and Enterprise Plus, which costs a hefty $3,495 per processor.
-- Henderson is principal researcher and Allen is a researcher for ExtremeLabs in Indianapolis. They can be reached at
Henderson is also a member of the Network World Lab Alliance, a cooperative of the premier reviewers in the network industry each bringing to bear years of practical experience on every review. For more Lab Alliance information, including what it takes to become a member, go to
Google - Android 1.5 SDK
System Requirements
The sections below describe the system and software requirements for developing Android applications using the Android SDK tools included in Android SDK, Release .
Supported Operating Systems
- Windows XP (32-bit) or Vista (32- or 64-bit)
- Mac OS X 10.4.8 or later (x86 only)
- Linux (tested on Linux Ubuntu Dapper Drake)
Supported Development Environments
- Eclipse IDE
- Eclipse 3.3 (Europa), 3.4 (Ganymede)
- Recommended Eclipse IDE packages: Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers, Eclipse IDE for Java Developers, Eclipse for RCP/Plug-in Developers
- Eclipse JDT plugin (included in most Eclipse IDE packages)
- Eclipse Classic IDE package is not supported.
- JDK 5 or JDK 6 (JRE alone is not sufficient)
- Android Development Tools plugin (optional)
- Not compatible with Gnu Compiler for Java (gcj)
- Eclipse 3.3 (Europa), 3.4 (Ganymede)
- Other development environments or IDEs
- JDK 5 or JDK 6 (JRE alone is not sufficient)
- Apache Ant 1.6.5 or later for Linux and Mac, 1.7 or later for Windows
- Not compatible with Gnu Compiler for Java (gcj)
Note: If JDK is already installed on your development computer, please take a moment to make sure that it meets the version requirements listed above. In particular, note that some Linux distributions may include JDK 1.4 or Gnu Compiler for Java, both of which are not supported for Android development.
All session videos & slides from Google I/O are now online!
Google Technology User Groups
Google Code Blog - June 12, 2009
My favorite part about Google I/O is the dozens of interesting conversations with developers -- getting a first-hand look at the different things that they are doing with our technologies...
Android 1.5 SDK
Android 1.5 SDK is now available. It includes new APIs for Android 1.5, updated developer tools, multiple platform versions, and a Google APIs add-on.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Namibian Probe Surrounds Chinese Company
BEIJING — To the likely consternation of diplomats in both Beijing and faraway Windhoek, a newly minted initiative by Namibia’s government to root out official corruption has snared an early catch: three people who, Namibian prosecutors charge, helped win a lucrative contract for a Chinese company recently headed by the son of Hu Jintao, China’s president. (More)
Source: The New York Times
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Don't ask the patient to wait! 美國紐約大學博士縣長
桃園縣大溪鎮兩蔣園區洗手間張貼的標語,「謝謝來賓」翻譯成「Thanks the guest」,鬧笑話。(讀者提供) |
〔記者謝武雄/桃園報導〕桃園縣大溪鎮兩蔣園區洗手間張貼的標語,其中「謝謝來賓」翻譯成「Thanks the guest」、「請耐心等候」則是「Asks the patience to wait」,民眾投書認為會讓觀光客笑掉大牙,桃園縣府強調會立刻改進。
楊姓讀者投書表示,「謝謝來賓」只要寫「Thank you」即可;「請耐心等候」則可翻譯成「Please wait」或「Please be patient」,縣府的翻譯方法,好像是順著中文直接翻譯,這對有個美國紐約大學博士當縣長的桃園縣而言,簡直是莫大的諷刺。
補教英文老師李春台表示,「Thanks the guest」、「Asks the patience to wait」的翻譯手法就是所謂的「洋涇濱」,可能是使用翻譯機的緣故,很多翻譯機是順著中文翻譯,單字可能沒有錯,語法卻是一塌糊塗。正確的寫作如讀者所說的,連國中生都會用,不該犯錯。
Ketchup and the housing bubble
What this made me think of was an old paper by Larry Summers mocking finance economists as the equivalent of “ketchup economists”, who believe that they’ve demonstrated market efficiency by showing that two-quart bottles of ketchup always sell for twice the price of one-quart bottles.
In the case of housing, buyers do carefully compare prices — with the prices of other houses. That is, they make sure that two-quart bottles of ketchup are the same price as one-quart bottles. As we’ve seen, however, they don’t do a very good job of checking whether the overall level of housing prices makes sense.
Yes, it was a bubble — and as Larry said way back when, the ketchup test just isn’t enough.
【啪啦站長 孫傳雄撰文】首先,感謝國民黨青年團將我上回那份”馬英九總統的部落格該怎麼做?從歐巴馬的白宮部落格經驗談起”呈給馬政府的相關高層幕僚閱讀,你們的用心在此給予肯定。
六年前第一次中亞旅行,印象非凡,心中即決定要推薦給國人,經過幾年陸續發佈的遊記、規劃與行程推薦,已規劃出目前市場上兼具深度解說與感性之旅,由古文明旅行專家黃建忠導覽的中亞五國七大世界文化遺產(UNESCO)之旅,拜訪中亞五國七大世界遺產,包括撒馬爾罕、夏喀里希亞布茲、布哈拉舊城、希瓦、默伏、尼薩遺蹟、孔亞烏爾根奇 。
台灣智庫: 由經濟面看科技研發的重點
2009年7月18日 星期六
今天晚上去吃了一家很特別的餐廳,他的菜跟調味跟一般的餐廳不太一樣。所謂的特別到底是好吃還是不好吃呢?以我的感覺應該算好吃,不過更叫人眼睛一亮的是特別 --
中縣樂器節 秀出在地才藝
Friday, July 17, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
慢慢接近 台灣走過
新眼睛 看台灣
帶動美麗之島對內對外 親密關係的重建
用一張明信片 把台灣生活之美分享給全世界
2009年 全新319鄉活動 邀請你
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